
Spotlight on Depression

The recent death of Robin Williams has allowed the general public to recognize the severity of depression. Robin Williams was undoubtedly a highly loved comedian who touched the lives of many, which is why it was such a shock when he committed suicide. Many people had no idea that he was even depressed; after all, how could such a happy guy be so sad all the time?

When word of his passing spread, all of the news articles I read made an effort to mention how an abundance of people were utilizing Twitter (and other social media sites) to publicize their grief.

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Following Robin Williams’ death, I think it definitely resonated with people that you might not know who suffers from depression (or any mental disorder for that matter). When raising awareness about depression, it’s important to keep in mind that anybody can be affected by it and it could be happening to anyone. Furthermore, since it’s generally something that a lot of people don’t like to disclose about themselves, depression is a disease that’s often hidden

Since Williams was so beloved, his passing made people realize that you never really knew what was going on in other people’s lives and that they could be suffering from mental illnesses. In my opinion, his suicide undoubtedly raised awareness for depression and mental illnesses in general.

Public Meltdowns

Charlie Sheen. Psychologists and other mental health professionals have addressed that his wild behavior likely stems from years of abusing crack. He has suffered from substance abuse and addiction, both are considered mental illnesses. In the past, Sheen has made a wide range of bizarre comments to the public like, “I have tiger’s blood.” and “I’m a Vatican assassin.” These comments have led to people to speculate that he also has bi-polar disorder, although he doesn’t think that he needs to seek treatment. His mental disorders have led him to lose his job, most notably his spot on “Two and a Half Men” (he was requesting 3 million per episode).


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Amanda Bynes. She has recently come under fire for substance abuse, posting a series of ridiculous and rude tweets to other celebrities, undergoing extreme changes to her physical appearances, and a lottttt of other things. Every social media site is constantly talking about her and she hasn’t been able to stay out of the public eye. The general view of her is that she’s crazy. It’s been since found that she suffers from bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia.

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amanda bynes

Britney Spears. She suffered a very public meltdown in 2007 after years of being under pressure in the music industry. After notoriously shaving her head and hitting a paparazzi car with an umbrella, tabloids and internet sites called her crazy and people everywhere thought she was nuts. It was later revealed that she suffered from bi-polar disorder and mood swings. As a result, a judge placed her under conservatorship of her father, Jamie Spears, giving him control of her career, personal life, and finances.

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